Sunday 18 January 2015

My Top 5 OTPs!


This isn't a review or anything but I thought it'd be fun to write a post about who my five favourite OTPs are. OTP stands for 'One True Pairing' so these are the couples from some of my favourite films and TV series that I think have to be together no matter what!
(By the way this is in no particular order)
5. Jim Halpert and Pam Beesly - The Office US
I remember when I first started watching The Office (US) on Netflix back in summer 2013 and throughout the seasons, I kept hoping that they end up together and my wish came true. I think they are a OTP because Jim truly loves Pam. In the beginning of the series, he has a crush on Pam but she already has a boyfriend which he is obviously gutted about. Luckily, Pam breaks up with her boyfriend to be with Jim. They are honestly so cute and perfect together and the episode where they get married is one of my favourites. 
4. Zero and Agatha - The Grand Budapest Hotel
The Grand Budapest Hotel is one of my favourite films - read my review here - and one of my favourite things about the film was Zero and Agatha's relationship. Zero is a lobby boy at The Grand Budapest Hotel and Agatha is a baker for Mendl's. They fall heavily for each other and what I love about their relationship is that it's unconditional love. Zero would do anything for Agatha and vice versa. I just think that they are very cute and sweet together.
3. Howard Wolowitz and Bernadette Rostenkowski - The Big Bang Theory
When The Big Bang Theory first started, Howard was best known for being a womanizer and never having a successful relationship. He thinks he is being flirtatious when actually he is being creepy. This goes on until Howard meets Bernadette through Penny. There are many ups and downs at the start of their relationship. I really think Bernadette made Howard a better person because in the beginning, he was overly flirtatious and immature now he is a mature husband. 
2. Sheldon Cooper and Amy Farrah Fowler - The Big Bang Theory
Words really can't describe how much I love this OTP. At the beginning of The Big Bang Theory, Sheldon has no interest in ever having a romantic relationship with anyone. He also has an awkward friendship with his friends as he doesn't like doing physical things such as hand-shaking or hugging and absolutely no kissing. He is like this until he meets Amy Farrah Fowler after Howard and Raj secretly sign him up for online dating. She is described as the 'female version of Sheldon'. The only difference is that she wants a physical relationship. Sheldon is reluctant at first but as he gets to know Amy, he gets to know and understand her more and eventually have a physical relationship. While their relationship may seem unusual to their friends as their relationship is based on their similar interests such as in science, I think their relationship is really cute as having a romantic relationship isn't always about kissing and having sex, it's about what you actually love about that person. I think, in order to have a stable relationship, you have to be friends with the person first and wait until you really know that person before you go into a romantic relationship with them. That is what happens here between Sheldon and Amy. Sheldon doesn't describe Amy as his girlfriend right away, he decides to get to know her first before going straight into a relationship which I think is the right thing to do.

1. Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark - The Hunger Games trilogy
This is the only OTP on this list that has made me cry tears of both happiness and sadness. In The Hunger Games, Katniss has no romantic feelings for Peeta whatsoever, unlike Peeta, who secretly has had a crush on her since they were at school together. Things are very awkward between the two after they are picked to fight in The Hunger Games and even more so when Peeta confesses his love for Katniss in an interview on the night before the games. At first Katniss is annoyed by this and avoids him in the Games until there is an announcement that there may be two victors if they are from the same district. Katniss then decides to find him and form an ally with him but after getting to know him, he becomes more than an ally, he becomes a friend. But after the announcement changes the rules back to the original saying that there can only be one victor, they both refuse and rebel against this. This causes an uprising and the two are forced to put on this 'star-crossed lovers' act for the cameras.
During Catching Fire, Katniss and Peeta have a great friendship and become closer on the Victory Tour as they get to know more about each other. And when they are both sent back into the Games for a second time, Katniss agrees with their mentor Haymitch that Peeta should be the one to live and win the Games, not her. While she denies it herself, I know Katniss truly loves Peeta. This is shown in Mockingjay: Part 1, when, after being split from Peeta at the end of Catching Fire, she is having trouble being without him. In the scene when Peeta is doing an interview, this is the first time Katniss has seen Peeta since the end of the Games in Catching Fire and is so relieved to see him alive that she begs the leaders of the rebellions, President Coin and Plutarch Heavensbee, to save Peeta from the Capitol before it's too late. But, unfortunately, after Peeta confess the Capitol's plans live on air, they 'hijack' him - making him believe that Katniss is an enemy of his that tried to kill him in the games. This is really sad for Katniss as she has now lost her one and only true love.
When I read the books, I was devastated when Peeta turned on Katniss. From the beginning of The Hunger Games, I was so hoping that they would end up together. 
I think they have the strongest relationship on this list as they have been through so much together. I think Peeta truly brought out the best in Katniss, whose only intention, at first, is to survive the Games so she can get back to her mother and sister.

So there you have it - my 5 OTPs. 
Hope you have enjoyed reading my blog :)

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