
Friday 12 June 2015


This film is based on the best selling book by John Green and it's one of the best book-to-film adaptations I've ever watched. Shailene Woodley and Ansel Elgort are amazing as their characters, Hazel Grace Lancaster and Augustus Waters. The story begins with Hazel telling us her story. She has terminal thyroid cancer which has spread to her lungs and is also depressed. Her mother makes her go to a cancer support group to make some friends which is where she meets Augustus, who has lost his leg due to having bone cancer. The two become close and, over a short period of time, fall in love. 
Most romantic films have the some of the same cliches. But this film is different. It's not a love story but a story about love. A story about two young teenagers falling in love, despite their illnesses. Most people have an stigma about people with illnesses. They're in hospitals all the time and they can't go out and have fun with their friends. This film puts an end to that stigma. This film shows that, despite having an illness, you can go out with friends and you can still live a normal life. 
I felt sympathy for Hazel from the beginning, I can't understand what it's like to live with a terminal illness. This film gives us an insight to how difficult living with thyroid cancer can be. It made me appreciate my own life and think how lucky I am that I don't have cancer.
Like I said before, Ansel is amazing as Augustus. He falls in love with Hazel the second he meets her and is the perfect boyfriend. He takes her to Amsterdam to meet her favourite author and takes her on a truly romantic date at a restaurant. He's what every girl wishes for, basically. 
The film does have a really sad ending but what John Green wanted was a realistic story about falling in love with someone with an illness. There aren't always happy endings and we need to accept that. After watching it, I cried a lot. I still cry when I watch it. 
Before watching the film, I did read the book and the film is incredibly accurate. Most film adaptations only include 50% of the book, but I can safely say that this film probably included about 90% of the book. 
A beautiful and realistic drama about living with illnesses and falling in love.

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